Vampire Facial | PRP Injections

PRP Vampire Facial is a cosmetic treatment that has gained popularity recently for its potential to rejuvenate the skin and improve its overall appearance.


PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma, is a natural substance in the blood that contains growth factors and other healing properties.


PRP Vampire Facial at Body Lab is a cosmetic treatment involving micro-needling and applying platelet-rich plasma to the skin. PRP Vampire Facial is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure designed to improve the texture and tone of the skin.


We got the answers.

The PRP Vampire Facial treatment involves drawing a small amount of blood from the patient and then processing it to extract the platelet-rich plasma. The plasma is then injected into the patient’s skin using micro-needling, which creates tiny punctures to allow the plasma to penetrate deeper. We combine PRP with micro-needling for better results. If you prefer, we can perform the treatment without micro-needling. At Body Lab, we use the fastest device on the market, Dermapen 4, for micro-needling.
The application of the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma to the skin stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. These two proteins are essential for healthy skin. The PRP Vampire Facial treatment improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.

PRP Vampire Facial promotes the regeneration of skin cells and stimulates collagen and elastin production, improving skin texture and tone. The treatment allows patients to achieve a more youthful and radiant appearance without requiring invasive surgical procedures.

The treatment is minimally invasive and has minimal downtime. Some individuals may experience bruising, swelling, and slight pain during and after the treatment. Bruising and inflammation are PRP Vampire Facial’s most common side effects. However, these side effects are typically temporary and can be minimized by applying ice to the treated area.

  1. The treatment area on the face is carefully cleaned and sanitized.
  2. The next step involves extracting and processing PRP from the patient’s blood.
  3. Blood is drawn from the patient and placed in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red blood cells.
  4. The resulting PRP is then collected and prepared for application.
  5. Finally, the PRP is applied to the face using a microneedling technique called the “Vampire Facial.”
  6. Microneedling involves creating tiny punctures on the skin’s surface.
  7. The PRP is then applied to the skin, where it is absorbed and helps to support wound healing and skin rejuvenation.
  1. PRP for the scalp is a treatment that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate hair growth and improve hair thickness.
    The procedure involves drawing a small amount of blood from the patient and then separating the platelets from the other components of the blood through a process known as centrifugation.
  2. The resulting plasma is then enriched with a high concentration of platelets responsible for clotting and healing.
  3. The PRP is then injected directly into the scalp, stimulating hair follicle growth and improving blood flow to the scalp.

The treatment is effective in both men and women. It can treat various conditions leading to hair loss, including male and female pattern baldness, alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium.

The entire PRP Vampire Facial procedure takes 1 hour.

The whole team of medical professionals performs the PRP Vampire Facial at Body Lab.
All our doctors possess extensive expertise and capabilities to administer the PRP Vampire Facial procedure, ensuring that you receive excellent outcomes.

The solution relies on multiple variables, such as your specific skin problems and the desired outcome. Fewer appointments are needed for those who practice good skin care habits and abstain from smoking and prolonged sun exposure. Typically, we suggest scheduling between 3 to 6 sessions, each appointment every four weeks.

PRP Vampire Facial is an ideal treatment for individuals with uneven skin tone, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.

  1. Blood disorders such as hemophilia or thrombocytopenia
  2. Active skin infections or diseases
  3. Immunosuppressive therapy or conditions
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  5. History of blood-borne diseases such as HIV or hepatitis
  6. Avoid blood thinners for a few days to minimize the risk of bruising.

Proper skin care is essential to ensure you can see the best results. Here are some post-treatment advice and tips to follow:

  1. Avoid direct sunlight. Sun exposure can cause damage to the skin and interfere with the healing process.
  2. Use gentle skin care products. Avoid using harsh or abrasive products that can irritate the skin.
  3. Keep the treated area clean. Avoid touching or rubbing it for at least 24 hours after the treatment.
  4. Stay hydrated.
  5. Avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours after the treatment. This can increase blood flow to the face and interfere with healing.
  6. Be sure to follow up with your doctor as recommended.