body treatments
body treatments
Body Cleansing
And Peeling
Alma Accent Prime Ultrasound and Radio Frequency
Signature Cellulite
Cristal Fat FreezingCryolipolysis
Signature Lymphatic
Drainage Treatments
Endymed Pro Counturing
& Tightening
Endymed Pure
VIP Lipo-Line Duo Ultrasound Cavitation
EndospheresCompressive Microvibration
Endymed Pure
Laser Hair Removal
Diode Laser

Express Super Slimming Vip Lipo-Line Duo
Fat Cavitation, Muscle Stimulation, Instant Slimming Belly/Thighs
Express Super Slimming with the wonderful Italian machine Vip Lipo Line Duo which uses super powerful fat cavitation and transion lymphatic drainage technologies, combined with potent muscle stimulation.
- Visible cellulite and fat pockets reduction
- Figure re-shaping
- Muscle tone
- Lymphatic drainage
Duration: 90 min
Price IDR 1.400.000

TransionVip Lipo-Line Duo
Muscle Stimulation, Fat Burning
With Transion Body Contouring Abs & Arms now you can get rid of unwanted body fat in your arms and tummy, diminish cellulite and tone up the muscles at the same time
Our top of the range machine “Vip Lipo Line Duo” uses electric impulses transmitted to the nerve nodes and muscle fibers, toning your muscles and contracting them in intense, short movements. This unique way to workout your muscles, takes energy from the fat cells, therefore burning more calories, toning and slimming your body at the same time.
Transion Body Contouring Abs & Arms also helps you prevent and get rid of localized cellulite, by applying pressure in the lymphatic vessels, which boosts and enhances the natural drainage and cleansing systems in your body
- Fat burning
- Cellulite reduction
- Muscle tone
- Improves blood circulation
- Lymphatic drainage boost
Duration: 90 min
Price IDR. 800.000

Super Cellulite Reduction
Vacuum Roller + Ultrasound Fat Cavitation
Super Cellulite Reduction is a signature treatment that combines powerful ultrasound fat cavitation and vacuum roller actin cellulite massage .
Ultrasound cavitation is often billed as a liposuction alternative. It’s another type of noninvasive body contouring method to reduce the appearance of fat on the body.
In this method, ultrasonic waves transform your fat cells into fatty acids. Your body can then dispose of those fatty acids — they won’t stick around as fat cells do.
However, ultrasound cavitation isn’t technically a “fat loss” procedure. Liposuction targets fat more specifically. With ultrasound fat cavitation, you’ll instead measure your success by how many inches you lose after treatment.
Mechanical vacuum massage affects fat cells, connective tissue, vascular and lymphatic system more efficiently than any other manual massage.The task of anti-cellulite massage is to fragment the hypodermic fatty tissue, remove toxic substances from the organism, reduce cellulite, improve blood circulation of the skin and muscles; it makes the skin more elastic.
- Reduces and prevents cellulite
- Supports weight loss
- Improves skin elasticity
- Tones and tightens skin
- Stimulates blood and lymphatic flow
- Eliminates toxins
Price IDR. 1.300.000

Brazilian Butt
Cellulite Reduction, Butt Toning
Brazilian Butt is a signature treatment that combines muscle stimulation and vacuum roller massage to achieve a tight and toned butt. This popular treatment uses electrical impulses to “work” the gluteal muscles, and vacuum roller to fight cellulite and sagging skin.
- Builds the muscle
- Lifts buttocks
- Reduces cellulite
- Tightens sagging skin
Duration: 50 min
Price IDR. 700.000